Adding Attachments to Email Notifications

A quick and easy way to add additional information to your confirmations

To add images or PDFs as attachments to your email confirmations, you first need to upload them and then add them to your email templates.


On the main tab on the left, click on Settings and then on the submenu on the right, click on Email Templates. This will display a list of your templates and if you scroll down to the bottom, you will see a section for Email Attachments.

Click on Add Email Attachment to upload your images or pdf(s) one by one.

Be sure to name the files appropriately (for guests) and don't use any special characters in the filename (eg. ', &, ", $, %, #, @).


Now you can select the Email Template you wish to edit.


At the bottom of the template, a list of your attachments will appear. Select which attachment(s) you would like to add. When you're finished, click Save Email Template to save your changes.


In case you would like to test that you're happy with how it looks to guests, make a dummy reservation on your account, which you can then delete the reservation afterwards.


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