Get the bigger picture with Advanced Reporting

Understand where your reservations are coming from, which channels are the most valuable, and understand how, when, and why some guests have a better experience than others.

Track reservation channels

Our advanced reporting breaks down your bookings into online, telephone, and walk-in categories. You will know where your bookings are coming from and which channels are driving the most customers through your door.
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Compare booking sources

Tag and track sources like Facebook, Instagram, email marketing, ads, and blogs to see exactly where your customers are finding you – and booking. This helps you focus your efforts on the platforms that work best for your business.
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Analyse guest reviews

From food and service to ambience and value, we'll show you how your restaurant is performing across different days, shifts and even areas.

Why do people who sit outside for lunch rate their experience 30% less than other guests?
We’ll flag these patterns so you can quickly address any concerns, boost your guest experience and keep your diners coming back for more.
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Want powerful group-level reporting?

We provide franchise owners and head offices with top-level insights into their restaurants from a group level.

Our group-level insights allow you to view reports for all your stores together – helping you to compare and benchmark performance, identify trends, and ensure consistency across your brand. 


Contact for more information, to see a sample report and to sign up for monthly reporting. We can also provide Custom Reports, should you have questions unique to your restaurant.