How to use review tags

Managing your reviews by using tags

Reviews can be tagged to make managing your reviews easier.

You can create any tags that you would like and once created you can tag reviews with them.

Tags can be used to filter your reviews when managing them.

Managing review tags

To manage your review tags, click on the Review Tags button in the left-hand menu.

Your current review tags will be displayed here and you can click on the pencil icon (left) or the dustbin icon (right) on the tag to edit or delete it.

To create a new tag

  1. Click on the "Create" button at the top right.
  2. Give the tag a name and select the colour of the tag
  3. Click save

The tag is now available to be used to tag your reviews.

Tagging a review

To add a tag to a review

  1. Navigate to the Reviews page and find the review you want to tag.
  2. Click the tag button inline with the review on the right
  3. Select the tag you want to add from the drop-down.

To tag multiple reviews at the same time, first select the reviews that you want to tag. If you click on a review you will see that it is highlighted in blue. Clicking on multiple reviews will select multiple reviews and the selected reviews will all be highlighted.

Once you have selected the reviews to which you want to add a tag to, you can use the tag button to the top of the page to assign the tag(s) to the selected reviews.

TIP: Once you have created tags and assigned them to reviews, you can use the filter to display only the tags that you want, helping you manage your reviews better