How to view, filter and use statuses and notes to manage your reviews like a pro
Viewing your reviews
The reviews page will list all the reviews pulled in from the sources and locations you have linked. For your reviews to show here you need to have linked all of your locations and sources that you want to view.
To refresh the page and pull in the latest reviews, click on the Refresh button at the top right of the page.
Viewing responses
Responses can be toggled to be displayed or hidden for individual or all reviews.
To display responses for all reviews click the Responses button at the top right of the page.
To display a response for an individual review only, click on the cog icon under the Actions column in line with the review you want to display the response for and select the "Toggle Response" option from the dropdown.
Responses are displayed below the diner's review.
Filtering reviews
By default, all reviews will be listed on the Reviews page. To filter your reviews, click on the Filters button at the top right of the page, select the criteria you want to filter your reviews by and click "Apply".
Reviews can be filtered by:
- Source (Google, Facebook, Tripadvisor, Dineplan)
- Location (to view reviews for one or more specific locations only, such as one store or brand)
- Status of the review (New, Responded, Awaiting, Closed)
- Review Tags which you have created
- Date range review was posted
- Review rating
- The reviewer
Using statuses to manage your reviews
The review status is automatically updated and can be manually changed as well. All new reviews will be set to "New" until they have been responded to through the review platform in which case their status will automatically change to Responded.
To change the status of a review manually:
- Select the review(s) that you want to update
- Click the Change Status button at the top of the page
- Select the status that you want to change the review(s) to and it will update the statuses immediately
Internal notes can be added to a review.
To add a note:
- Click on the cog icon under the Actions column in line with the review that you want to add a note
- Select the view notes option
- View, edit or add a new note